ME :)

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Moments to Steal

  • First sip of coffee in the morning with Newspaper
  • Chirping of birds in morning silence with the coolness of dewdrops
  • First bite of food when you are infinitely hungry
  • Entering the last number in a Sudoku
  • Eating an icecream when there is noone around to remind you about diet
  • Sudden plan for a movie
  • Noticing purple flowers in the office campus one fine day when u look up and away from the security and vehicles
  • The long night before a holiday
  • Finding time for a stroll in a busy day
  • Waking up after a wonderful dream
  • Playing your favorite song on ipod
  • Unexpected call or mail from a friend
  • Manager on Leave