ME :)

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

One year of married life

One year is a long enough period to be important. To list out all the important years of my life
  • The first year of my life which I don't remember but that does not take away its importance.
  • The year I experienced school for the first time.
  • Year spent preparing for the important exams of 10th ,12th and entrances.
  • First year of job.
  • First year of marriage.

Of all these, I bet the first year of marriage has been the one that has had a sea-change in my way of life, my outlook, my behavior, my attitude and to put it in two words- My life. So here goes lessons learnt in Marriage 101. That is how courses were named in my Engineering.

  1. You will see new faces of the person you think you know. Take it as a learning rather than -"Oh I did not expect this". Marriage is full of surprises. Expect the Unexpected.
  2. You are watched. Your independence and personal space shrinks. Take it as a blessing that you have someone to share every bit of your space rather than -"Oh God, I am suffocated." The more you share the space, the more you get as it easier to make someone realize your needs when you share and know each other well than laying down conditions and cribbing.
  3. Formalities are bound to be there. You need to smile without reason, you need to enquire about well being even if you are not bothered, you need to act as expected. Take this as -" Free lessons to corporate world" than "Oh why do I need to do all this".
  4. If you thought you were busy, you will only be busier. Clock ticks off with 50% work done. Take this as "Lessons in Time Management" than "Oh God I have time for nothing". Gradually you will get used to the busy schedule and steal your moments out of it.
  5. Friends are seen more in Phonebook and Facebook than face to face. Take this as a test of strong and true friendship than " It is so bad that I dont get to meet my friends so often." True friends will always understand and stay with you. Moreover your spouse is a friend for life.
  6. Your home is not yours anymore. This is probably the hardest facts to digest. You become a guest in the same place where you were born and brought up. Meeting your family becomes moments to steal than demand as a right. Slowly you realise that a half an hour spent with them was never enjoyed so much before. You value your people and the time with them more than anytime before in your life. Take this as "Realising the value of people" than "How dare someone can expect me not to meet my own people whenever I want!"
  7. Your spouse comes before "Yes" to question. Whether it is a party,movie or even an official meeting. Take this as "An invisible hand regularizing your life" than "Oh I could not say yes on my own."

All said and done, Marriage is one of the most beautiful things to happen in ones life. It makes you less selfish and more giving. It makes you care and feel cared. It makes you feel important. It makes you more responsible and planned. It makes you more knowledgeable about human psychology. You are gifted for a life time a shoulder to lean on, hand to hold and trod the path of life, heart to live in and one whole person who is totally yours. Any other relationship in the world has the distinction of "You and me". This is one relationship where the distinction slowly fades into thin air.

God, Thank you for the life you have given me. I wait for more blessings that come with marriage in many more disguised forms.


Vasumathi Sridharan said...

Sweeet :-)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Cant take a call if its right or wrong.
But i can take lessons on what to expect for others

Prashanth said...

We love this post and totally identify with it. TTY in person later :)

Anonymous said...

Balanced. And perfect. That's a good attitude you carry. Very few girls have that. All the best!