ME :)

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Poll result

88% of the females prefer standing and taking bath.* So I have proved my mom wrong and myself right. \:D/ Well, did I reveal something I had promised to after knowing the results?

My blog title has lived up to its name. 9 people voted for this poll which my school teacher would have declared as utter nonsense and joblessness.

I thank all the people who voted from the bottom of my stomach. [ I thought I could go deeper:D] I shall keep the jobless polls coming and you keep voting. Lets wait for my mom's next claim.

* I am making a basic assumption that all the people who voted are females. Sorry if there were some males who know their girl friends too well :D. Nothing to be ashamed of. Its good. Thumbs up! I like that spirit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The most interesting polls are on the most thought provoking topics. :D

I didnt really think much here (:P) but yes, you end up getting to know yourself more even if its in the bizarre of ways :D

Keep them coming. THumbs up! I like that spirit.
